Before/After: A Front Entry Story

Front Entry BEFORE
When you walk into our condo, this is what you see...
typically two dogs ready to greet you and lick your face.
Coat rack to your right, and a bird bath to your left. 
**(Updated Pictures will be coming soon)**
From Left to Right: Morton and Grover

This is the view from the hallway, walking towards the front door.

After finding this wonderful bench online at West Elm, I decided the front entry needed a little make over. 
(Smoke Offset Bench; $300.00, Cardinal cushion; $49.00)
Photo: west elm

I also bought coat hooks from anthropologie to replace the coat rack
they look similar to this:
Coat Hooks pictured $8.00/each
Photo: Anthropologie

Front Entry- AFTER
at first, I couldn't decide if I liked the changes made...
but looking at it this morning, it really seemed less cluttered and more inviting.

Now that Part 1 is complete....
Next Task: Figuring out a Mail Storage Solution for the front entry.


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