Collections On Display

Via: Apartment Therapy 
I believe one should decorate with what they have. If you are carrying around a small or large collection from apartment to apartment, house to house, why not display it for all to see?

Lisa Congdon, well known artist and collector. 
Her series: A Collection a Day really drove me to write this blog.

Since I've been small I've been a collector, what, I used to call were 'my treasures,' have really helped me display some interesting things in my home.

Hallway; Vintage Flash Cards and Collected Art Work.
Polaroids, Taped to the refrigerator 
using embroidery hoops to display handmade/screen printed fabrics by: Ashley Wokasch; Photo: Emily Marsden

Santa Collection at Brimfield, Chicago

What Collections do you display in your humble-abode?


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