Jayson Home and Garden Warehouse SALE

Did I mention I am obesssed with Jayson Home and Garden? But let's be honest, they have beautiful things, that are often times over priced....
Last year I attended thinking...ok, maybe I'll find a candle or something else like that I can afford, but NO- I ended up getting a coffee table and a dresser- that I COULD afford!

So I decided to battle the crowds and see what they had to offer this year.
I decided to go right when they opened at 10:00am....This is what I found.....Appox. 400+ people.....
9:50am before opening at 10:00am.

So I got in line, waited, then BOOM, here we go!
Chaos inside the warehouse. 

Here was a great claw foot tub I found (but didn't buy)- $150!!

There accessories were wonderful- I ended up with no furniture this year, but with some cool accessories. I got three tin lanterns $8-12 Each. 
Then I ended up with this wonderful pillow I have had my eye on for months- $5.00/Sham and $3.00/pillow insert!! 

My Vintage Factory Cart Coffee table from the Warehouse Sale (Last year): $199.00

So was the warehouse sale worth it?- I don't know you tell me..

  Jayson's website: Vintage Factory Cart-  $795.00
Jayson's Website - Sheesha Pillow/Large-  $345.00

If you are in Chicago- I would defiantly check the sale out- November 11-13th
Located: 701 N. Albany Ave. Chicago IL 

if you miss it this weekend- they have it every year! Typically the first or second weekend in Novemeber!


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