My ten year old niece will not wear pants. Let me rephrase... she will not wear pants that disallow her ability to perform gymnastics at any given moment. My inner child's reaction to this goes something like, "Yeah! I love gymnastics, especially when My Little Ponies are involved!" My adult reaction is more along the lines of, "How often do you really do the splits on a given school day?" Thinking about it makes my groin hurt. Anyhow. The spandex industry is making a mint off this little girl, and the ladies in the family has been on a search for butt coverings in the form of cool, non pink, shirts and skirts. I found this little jeans skirt at target, and after assuring that she could do gymnastics in it, decided to fix it up a bit. Here are the results.
adorable! where can i buy the spiffed up version in a big lady size? :)